Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

tugas bahasa inggris 2

Tugas Bahasa Inggris
Tugas 1
Exercise A
8. ( ) Walking with the children to school.
Answer : ( W ) walking with the children to school.
 sentence is false because there is no subject
 correct : she is walking the children to school.

S= she verb= walking O= the children Preposition= to school

Exercise B
2. ( ) The doctor gave the patient a prescription.
Answer : ( R ) The doctor gave the patient a prescription.
 sentence is correct because because it has a subject and verb.
 The doctor gave the patient a prescription.

S= the doctor V= gave

Exercise C
3. ( ) grow close to the ground in the short arctic summer.
a. Above tundra plants c. Tundra plants are found
b. Tundra plants d. For tundra plants
answer : the answer is B , because this sentence requires a subject.
=> if you chose a wrong because it is the object of a preposition.
=> C = double verb because there are found.
=> D = preposition “for”

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